YC2 aims to provide services that improve the quality of life and opportunities for young carers in Buckingham and the local area, by offering a solid network for fun, friendship, emotional support, advice and personal development.
For children aged 6 to 19 years old, YC2 offers the following:
- Group meetings
- Activity sessions
- Residential sessions
- Volunteering opportunities for leadership development
- Transport support
- Information and advice for families
- Welfare family support
The YC2 Group meets twice per month –
- Seniors meet first Friday in the month
- Juniors the third Friday in the month
at Buckingham Youth Club from 7pm to 9pm.
Lifts can offered to and from the youth club by our volunteers who all have DBS clearance.
There is no charge for membership.
You should also register with Carers Bucks via their website.
For further details please contact lynda@samsmanor.com
We are always looking for extra volunteers, for information on volunteering with YC2, please click here.
Please complete the enquiry form below and someone will get back to you shortly.