2019/20 YC2 AGM Report

Membership: 28 Seniors (14 boys /14 girls) and 27 Juniors (8 Boys 19 girls) In the past year we have received 18 referrals from agencies including BCC Social Services, Carers Bucks, local schools nursing team and self-referred by families. We have run 2 club sessions each month from April 2019 to March 2020 including the…

2019/20 Annual Report

Community Care North Bucks (CCNB) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number 1172135) operating in North Bucks. A Board of Trustees, appointed by the membership of CCNB, oversees the governance and management of the Charity. There are currently eleven Trustees: Keith Croxton David Jackson Jacqui North Sue Watkins Gerry Bluck Margo Jackson Lauren Taylor Brian…

2018/19 Annual Report

Community Care North Bucks (CCNB) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (charity number 1172135) operating in North Bucks. A Board of Trustees, appointed by the membership of CCNB, oversees the governance and management of the Charity. There are currently eleven Trustees: Keith Croxton David Jackson Jacqui North Sue Watkins Gerry Bluck Margo Jackson Lauren Taylor Brian…

2016/17 Annual Report

Community Care North Bucks (CCNB) is a registered charity operating in North Bucks. The Charity has four main activities: – A Hospital Car Service A support group for adult carers (aged 18 plus) A support group and club for young carers (for carers under 18). Open House, a support group for ex carers. A Board…