28 Seniors (14 boys /14 girls) and 27 Juniors (8 Boys 19 girls)
In the past year we have received 18 referrals from agencies including BCC Social Services, Carers Bucks, local schools nursing team and self-referred by families. We have run 2 club sessions each month from April 2019 to March 2020 including the Christmas celebrations for both juniors and seniors when we booked outside entertainment as a special treat. A total of 24 sessions.
28 Seniors (14 boys /14 girls) and 27 Juniors (8 Boys 19 girls)
In the past year we have received 18 referrals from agencies including BCC Social Services, Carers Bucks, local schools nursing team and self-referred by families. We have run 2 club sessions each month from April 2019 to March 2020 including the Christmas celebrations for both juniors and seniors when we booked outside entertainment as a special treat. A total of 24 sessions.
Club Session Programme:
A full, varied and fun programme of activities including sports, cookery, crafts, dance, yoga, themed nights etc has been arranged by club leaders. The Christmas entertainments included a visit form Buckingham Mayor and Mayoress Mark & Alex Cole and Father Christmas who came courtesy of the Rotary Club of Buckingham to delight the juniors – though his Texan accent did confuse some. The senior’s club night is the 1st Friday of the month, the juniors is the 3rd Friday .Both run from 7 to 9pm at Buckingham Youth Centre.
A full, varied and fun programme of activities including sports, cookery, crafts, dance, yoga, themed nights etc has been arranged by club leaders. The Christmas entertainments included a visit form Buckingham Mayor and Mayoress Mark & Alex Cole and Father Christmas who came courtesy of the Rotary Club of Buckingham to delight the juniors – though his Texan accent did confuse some. The senior’s club night is the 1st Friday of the month, the juniors is the 3rd Friday .Both run from 7 to 9pm at Buckingham Youth Centre.
Report from Elle – Juniors Club Leader:
YC2 Juniors have enjoyed group club sessions thinking about team games and small competitions. Short burst activities with a small competitive aspect have kept all entertained and engaged in a fun way. Snack time is themed with a great variety of amazing food creations to enjoy- favourites include Mags’ choc crispy cakes which are like gold dust! And the craft areas have offered quiet reflection time for creativity and conversation. Future plans for outside visitors are currently on hold but we look forward to welcoming a magician, sports coach and Big juniors outing to Gullivers land when we can!
YC2 Juniors have enjoyed group club sessions thinking about team games and small competitions. Short burst activities with a small competitive aspect have kept all entertained and engaged in a fun way. Snack time is themed with a great variety of amazing food creations to enjoy- favourites include Mags’ choc crispy cakes which are like gold dust! And the craft areas have offered quiet reflection time for creativity and conversation. Future plans for outside visitors are currently on hold but we look forward to welcoming a magician, sports coach and Big juniors outing to Gullivers land when we can!
Report from Jo – Seniors Club Leader:
A full and varied programme and outings which include enhancing through training courses the future education and employment opportunities for the seniors.Several of the seniors have started at 6th form college, university and apprenticeship schemes.Every effort has been made to encourage the transitioning YCs from juniors club to be assimilated into the different set up they find at seniors.
A full and varied programme and outings which include enhancing through training courses the future education and employment opportunities for the seniors.Several of the seniors have started at 6th form college, university and apprenticeship schemes.Every effort has been made to encourage the transitioning YCs from juniors club to be assimilated into the different set up they find at seniors.
Other Activities:
- 20+ local day outings including 6 theatre trips to Stowe, 3 Art and Craft Days at Courtyard Studios Claydon House, Gravity trampolining trips, several meals at Pregos and one following the Remembrance Day Parade at Prezzos, a cinema and pizza outing for a 10 year old experiencing bereavement.
- PGL weekend for the juniors at Woodrow High House. It was agreed that only the 9+ age group and those who were confident enough to be away from home for 2 days would be invited. 8 young carers in total enjoyed a fun weekend.
- Seniors weekend at Caldecotte Xperience was enjoyed by 13 young senior carers.
- Buckingham Remembrance Day parade – this year we again took part with pride in the parade on 10th November 2019. Over 30 young carers, dressed in their red hoodies, beanie hats and walking with dignity laid a wreath of poppies at the memorial. Following the event
YC2/Young Carers Bucks SLA: Due to the re structuring of Carers Bucks when their bid for another 5 years of funding was successful, we sought a more reliable relationship between CB and YC2 and a viable SLA was agreed and signed.
Young Leaders Award Course 2019: Lead and arranged through Action4Youth/YC2 Abbie Staley/Sponsored Winslow Lions Club. The course runs from February to April and the assessments are marked and final results come through in July. In 2019 the 3 YLs achieved Silver awards. The 2020 candidates completed the initial outward bound-type weekend at Caldecotte with 25 other candidates. They were in the middle of their assessment but the C19 crisis has meant that these plans have been postponed. its etc.